All over my social media the homosexuality topic has been trending, a far sensitive issue to irresponsibly engage in, and yet anything and everything has been said to and about these humans.
For those who don’t know, I have a homosexual sibling whom I dearly love, having grown up seeing my brother navigate who he was and all the self destructive methods to help him cope has forced me to pause and think about this topic in a different manner. When things are close to home, our hearts are forced to approach differently. 
Together with that, I am in an industry filled with homosexuals and the human in them speaks, loves and relates to the human in me on a daily basis, because of this, I take everything said personally because those I love and respect are impacted by this.
My one problem with most people posting behind their screens and some even ignorantly commenting on the matter is how little regard, empathy or understanding they seem to have for those who go through being homosexual or for their loved ones who get to walk the journey with them. I’m scared that Christians particularly spend their time proving this particular sin and have very little understanding of their role in the situation. If things are personal to you, if you have attempted to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, your response is bound to change.
Can you imagine having to wake up every morning and made to feel like who you are is sinful and not accepted? To navigate identity issues on such a level, being told too often that your very creator disagrees with who you think you are? While we make it our mission to bombard the homosexual community with how wrong their way of life is, have we stopped to get to know them intimately? To understand their needs and struggles in this world where their sin is highlighted? Have we understood their human before we interrogate their sin?

Truth is if we took more time understanding their human, perhaps we would understand that it is our duty to labour and pray with them and on their behalf especially on days that this journey is really unbearable.
I had a heated discussion today with my husband where I was telling him that church tends to stop at the problem, “hey you, your lifestyle is wrong….full stop” okay great, now what? What are they supposed to do with their feelings? How many churches have self help books, 7 steps to get over homosexuality? How many churches offer teachings, conferences I don’t know… to help? Listen perhaps it’s because we have no freakin idea. We don’t know how to help! 

I know people who have followed step by step things that promise victory over this thing, people who have sat in connect groups, victory weekend and all these systems that are built to help us, and nothing. They still wake up and like the same sex, so letting people know how big their problem is without being able to help has obviously created a problem on its own, in fact more people leave the church because they feel it has failed them and with the love it promises, it has no space for them. Clearly this seems to be bigger than we think, more spiritual than we can comprehend.
It would be great if more of us would invest time in learning how to love people, our self-righteous, scripture quoting (it’s good to quote scripture by the way) technics have obviously failed humanity… And then what? Where do we go from there? Do we intercede on their behalf? Do we get to know them and understand their struggles in society and try to make their experience of being human better? Do we do anything at all besides stating how sinful they are? 
I am touched, I am touched because we sit in conversations and say such ignorant things without fully understanding a lifetime in their shoes. 
We have concluded all God’s feelings towards them and what’s worse is most of us don’t even know this God as well as we would like to, and yet we have the audacity to treat people like we are the chosen ones, those who can speak confidently on His behalf. 

This is far bigger than just offending, I get our conflict in having the responsibility as Christians to preach the truth but it is also our responsibility to make church an environment where people can be loved and know this God and His love, a love we are also learning to unpack on the daily (just FYI) it is our duty to preach truth yes, but if people don’t encounter this God what have we achieved?
Perhaps it’s time we admit that yes this Bible we believe in says this, about your sin, my sin and everyone else’s sin, and we are all in the same boat, and then freakin invest everything in us to learn to love each other and help each other figure it out.
There’s a way to love and preach truth and not make people feel sub-human (yes some people will take offense anyway but cumon, can we really say we are doing all it takes?!) that’s what we need to invest our time in. To get to know the heart of God and let that translate into how we love!
In this heated discussion I had with my husband, he reminded me of my unforgiving mentality towards adulterers, how in every discussion I cannot stand to defend that particular sin, I cannot bring myself to show any compassion to the adulterer, and it hit me in that moment that we pick and choose how to deal with sin, we are one big mess and man do we all need God.
Compassion is terribly underrated, because when you understand the other, your whole perspective changes. And perhaps with this specific issue, we ought to do what we can, love each other and leave the rest to God because seriously, we don’t know and we must stop forcing issues and pretending like we do. We actually don’t know. 
I write with such a heavy heart because I cannot even begin to understand the world in a homosexual person’s shoes, constantly fighting, I get why their fight would stop, why they would opt to stop fighting. And we don’t do enough to help the process. If we could first see the human in each other, see the same boat we are in and navigate life issues accordingly, maybe just maybe there’s still hope for us.
This morning I found this song, it accurately describes how I feel
For The One by Jenn Johnson and Brian Johnson
[Verse 1]

Let me be filled

With Kindness, and compassion for the One

The One in whom You love and gave Your Son

For humanity … increase my love

Help me to love with open arms, like You do

A love that erases all the lines and sees the truth

So that when they look in my eyes, they would see You

Even in just a smile … they would feel the Father’s love
[Verse 2]

Oh, how He loves us

From the homeless, to the famous and in between

You formed us, You made us carefully

‘Cause in the end … we are all Your children

So help me to love with open arms, like You do

A love that erases all the lines and sees the truth

So that when they look in my eyes, they would see You

Even in just a smile … they would feel the Father’s love

Let all my life, tell of who You are

And the wonder of Your never-ending love

Let all my life, tell of who You are

You’re wonderful and such a good Father
Let all my life, tell of who You are

And the wonder of, Your never-ending love

And all my life, tell of who You are

You’re wonderful and such a good Father

Help me to love with open arms, like You do

A love that erases all the lines and sees the truth

Oh that when they look in my eyes, they would see You

Even in just a smile … they would feel the Father’s love